The Ministry of Live Streaming

Most people think of live streaming as a technology, but have you ever considered that it is also a ministry? Just like a women’s ministry or after-school Bible club for students, live streaming serves as a ministry opportunity to impact many lives. Live streaming serves as a key part of church ministry in four vital ways.

1. Serving a New Audience

Just as other church ministries serve specific groups of people, live streaming reaches a unique segment of individuals. Some of these individuals include:

  • New people interested in your church
  • People who are sick or shut-in and cannot attend
  • Military personnel in active service
  • Members who are traveling for work or pleasure
  • People outside of your area who would like to join you in worship

These people are important! Those serving in live streaming ministry impact the lives of many people who would be unable to attend your church in person. Your ministry offers hope and help in a unique way with an important mission.

2. Amplifying Your Current Outreach

Those who attend your church often desire to share your ministry with others. Once your livestream is recorded, the videos can be spread by members to their friends and family worldwide.

In a visiting church where I spoke, there were only 100 people in attendance. Later that day, I shared the message I gave through social media. After a week, I looked back to find it had been viewed more than 4,000 times! The reach of my message was much greater after I had preached it because someone had recorded the content and shared it as part of their ministry.

I encourage you to consider every sermon and service a little missionary sent into the world to spread the light of Jesus. You never know how much of a difference it will make until heaven, but you can trust many lives are being changed.

3. Building a History of God at Work

In past generations, a person within a local church would often provide a written history of the congregation to celebrate a milestone, such as the 100-year anniversary of the location’s founding. Today we can archive months and years of services and messages.

With appropriate planning, we can leave future generations a history of God at work in the life of our churches. From a special song to the altar call where a loved one came to faith in Jesus, these moments will now be available for future generations.

4. Proclaiming the Gospel Until Christ Returns

The church’s mission is to make disciples. As a growing number of congregations broadcast the gospel each week through live streaming, God’s Word goes forth around the world. The number of total people reached through live streaming has certainly contributed to multitudes of new people coming to faith in Christ and growing in Him.

As part of your church’s missionary outreach, live streaming can connect with more people in more places per dollar than almost any other form of outreach. Past generations invested in radio and television ministries to broadcast their messages. Today, virtually every church can present their service through live streaming to anyone with an online connection.

In this unprecedented time of technology for the gospel, let’s consider how to use live streaming as a ministry. Together, we’ll reach more people in number and in strength through innovative presentations of God’s truth.

Are you considering live streaming for your church or ministry? If so, sign up for a free 30-day trial today. For a limited time, we’ll include a free Webcaster X3

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